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Women Editors are at the forefront of transforming journalism in the Global South

Through independent projects with a keen focus on women’s issues, these women-led newsrooms are contributing to the reshaping of journalism. Despite the challenges posed by crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and violence in countries such as Ethiopia, Ukraine, and Afghanistan, these initiatives aim to address the disproportionate impact on women and girls, providing diverse perspectives and amplifying their voices.

The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) recently reported that gender equality in news media remains a challenge, revealing that only 25% of subjects and sources in 30,172 news stories studied were women. Although this reflects a one-point improvement since 2010, persistent challenges persist. Women continue to predominantly report on stories focused on women’s issues, and gender stereotypes are less likely to be challenged in reporting compared to 15 years ago.

In the midst of evolving reproductive rights and on the eve of a bustling global election year, feminist media assumes a crucial role. According to Jennifer Weiss-Wolf’s article in Ms. Magazine, it is within feminist media that voices are most adept at confronting and countering the surge in anti-democratic tendencies and actions that are gaining momentum. Despite numerous obstacles, a group of journalists, predominantly women, ardently promote coverage of women’s issues and broader topics such as climate, politics, and business through a gender or intersectional lens.

Numerous independent media outlets led by women or focusing on feminism are driving this movement. Across diverse languages, continents, and team sizes, publications like AzMina in Brazil, HerStory in Uganda, BONews Service in Nigeria, and Boju Bajai in Nepal are integral to this initiative. Journalists from these publications shared insights into their work and the challenges they encounter.

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