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Veneers: A Smile Makeover’s Pros and Cons

Everyone wants to have a beautiful, captivating smile. That’s why veneers have emerged and become a common cosmetic dental enhancement. Veneers are pain-free thin, custom-made shells made of porcelain or composite resin that cover the original teeth to create the perfect smile.

Veneers have several advantages, especially for those with malformed, cracked, chipped, or severely discolored teeth. Nevertheless, veneers also come with drawbacks. This article discusses the benefits and drawbacks of veneers to help you decide whether they are worth it or not.

Pros of Veneers

1. Appearance Enhancement

Veneers dramatically enhance the appearance of smiles by bonding with natural teeth and covering imperfections, like misshaped or very small teeth, cracked teeth, and discolored teeth. They can also make teeth look whiter and more appealing.

2. Instant Painless Results

This dental cosmetic method provides instant pain-free results within one or two dental visits, unlike other dental procedures that can take weeks or even months after multiple appointments.

3. Minimal Invasive Procedure

Veneers are applied after removing only a thin layer of enamel, preserving the natural tooth structure. This procedure requires minimal invasion compared to dental crowns or other dental procedures.

4. Longevity

With proper care, veneers can last for up to 15 years. They are stain-resistant and require no or minimal maintenance.

5. Strength

Pressed porcelain veneers are strong and supportive of teeth; they are sturdy enough to last for a long time.

Cons of Veneers

1. High Cost

Veneers vary in cost depending on the material used; however, they are considered expensive. Since they are cosmetic, they are often not covered by insurance.

2. Permanent Results

The application of veneers is irreversible; they require the removal of a thin layer of the natural enamel of the tooth. Once it is removed, it can never be restored.

3. Potential for Damage

While veneers are durable, they are thin and vulnerable to damage that can be repaired, but it can be costly and inconvenient. For example, applying pressure on them, such as teeth grinding or biting subjects too hard, that can ruin them.

4. Sensitivity of Teeth

Teeth can get sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks after applying veneers, which usually resolves with time, but can be uncomfortable at first.

5. Color Mismatch

The natural teeth around veneers can become discolored over time, and since veneers are stain-resistant, this can result in color mismatch.

6. Veneers are Not Suitable for Everyone

Veneers are not suitable options for people with significant dental issues, like tooth decay, weak teeth, or gum disease. A dentist should do a thorough dental examination in such cases to treat the teeth before deciding if veneers are appropriate.

Maintaining Veneers

To maintain veneers in the best condition and ensure they last for a long time, individuals should do the following:

  • Avoid foods and drinks that stain teeth, like coffee and tea.
  • Maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly.
  • Use high-quality toothpaste and soft toothbrush, and change them regularly.
  • Avoid chewing and biting hard objects, such as ice.
  • Have regular check-ups at the dentist’s clinic.
  • Quit smoking.


Veneers offer an excellent solution for people who are seeking to improve their teeth status; however, careful consideration of both pros and cons should be taken into account. Consulting a qualified dentist helps with this decision, as well. Additionally, maintaining oral hygiene and health is essential to have flawless smiles.

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