Something strange is taking place in a function room on the outskirts of Moscow.
A number of females are openly criticizing the Russian government. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has called up 300,000 reservists for the war in Ukraine that is expected to begin in the fall of 2022, including their wives.
They also want them to return home.
“When will our husbands be considered to have discharged their military duty?” inquires Maria. “When their limbs are absent from their body? When they’re just vegetables and can’t do anything at all? Or must we wait for the zinc coffins to be shipped back with them?”
The women formed a group called The Way Home after connecting on social media. Their opinions on the war diverge. Some assert that it is supported. Others doubt the “special military operation” being carried out by the Kremlin. The idea that the guys who were mobilized have served their fair share of time in the military and ought to be returning home to be with their families appears to be what unites them.
The authorities do not hold such opinion.
It is dangerous for the people to criticize anything regarding the conflict in Russia. The majority of speakers take great care while selecting their words. They are aware that Russia currently has a number of laws that penalize dissent. However, you can feel them getting frustrated.
“We trusted our government at first,” adds Antonina. So now, should we put our trust in them? I have no faith in anyone.
The group’s purpose is to tell local councilman Boris Nadezhdin about their experiences. From the beginning, he has been critical of the “special military operation”.
Strangely, since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mr. Nadezhdin is one of the few government critics permitted to appear on national television. He occasionally appears on talk shows on television.
The politician is currently attempting to be included on the presidential ballot. He argues that Vladimir Putin’s domestic popularity has suffered as a result of the war.
“Putin was very popular in Russia because after the 1990s he brought stability and security,” says Mr. Nadezhdin. Supporting Putin was mostly motivated by concerns for security and stability. More and more individuals are beginning to realize that the days of stability and security are over.”
Russian women who are advocating for the return of their husbands, sons, or brothers who have been mobilized have faced criticism from various sources. Few people sympathize with those who oppose the war. They denounce the guys for fighting in the war and for following the mobilization order.