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Corie Meredith | Vice President of Marketing at UMortgage

Customer-Centric Wisdom: Corie Meredith’s Keys to Building Trust and Transparency in the Mortgage Marketing

Corie Meredith is the visionary Vice President of Marketing at UMortgage. Navigating the rapidly expanding UMortgage platform, where every move is directed by Corie’s strategic prowess, she spearheads marketing initiatives that redefine the mortgage landscape. At the helm, she is driving marketing strategies that embody innovation, cleanliness and modernity—a reflection of UMortgage’s progressive nature.

Corie’s focus is razor-sharp, with a mission to create scalable, on-demand marketing resources tailored for UMortgage loan originators. It’s a scenario where her hyper-focus translates into tangible results—an array of plug-and-play materials that not only enhance online presence but also fortify relationships with referral partners.

Corie’s story unfolds as she ensures ease of use, paving the way for brand visibility through a seamless multi-channel approach. In this personalized landscape, Corie’s initiatives become the driving force for UMortgage’s brand growth and recognition where her role is shaping the marketing narrative with a forward-thinking and innovative touch.

Let’s explore the journey to a seamless, modern mortgage experience!

When Opportunity Knocks

Like many individuals, Corie’s journey into the mortgage industry was unplanned, but she is genuinely grateful for the path it led her on. Armed with a Mass Media—Communication degree from La Salle University, she initially ventured into the world of field news reporting after college. However, it soon became apparent that this career trajectory didn’t align with her long-term goals.

An opportunity presented itself when Corie was offered a marketing role in her hometown. Embracing the chance, she discovered a passion for marketing and, driven by curiosity, explored various positions within the team. Leveraging her background as a multimedia journalist, Corie naturally gravitated towards social media marketing, progressively assuming additional responsibilities beyond her initial role.

Upon parting ways with her job, Corie embarked on a new challenge—Social Media—at the Association of Independent Mortgage Experts (AIME), a non-profit organization founded by Anthony Casa, who now serves as the President & CEO of UMortgage. The rest, as they say, is history.

Authenticity and Influence

UMortgage, a rising star in the mortgage industry, has achieved remarkable recognition within just three years of its establishment. The brand’s success is rooted in its commitment to strategic initiatives and campaigns aimed at fortifying its presence in the market. Corie succinctly captures the essence of the brand’s ethos, stating, “Our commitment revolves around crafting strategic initiatives and campaigns meticulously designed to strengthen our brand.”

A key facet of UMortgage’s approach is the relentless pursuit of enhancing the value it provides while addressing the pain points of its diverse audience. The brand’s strategies are underpinned by a set of core values, as Corie affirms, “Central to our strategies is the emphasis on showcasing UMortgage’s core valuesGet Better Every Day, Relationships Not Transactions, Own the Moment, Create Strong Communities, and Experience is Everything.” This commitment to values sets UMortgage apart fostering a connection with customers beyond mere transactions.

In recognizing the landscape of informed consumers, UMortgage strategically leads with authenticity, transparency and genuineness. Corie emphasizes the importance of this approach, stating, “In navigating the dynamic landscape of today’s informed consumers, it’s important for us to lead with authenticity, transparency and genuineness as integral components of our brand strategy.” The brand acknowledges that traditional marketing tactics often fall short and to overcome these limitations, UMortgage has embraced a unique approach to influencer marketing.

UMortgage leverages the power of its Loan Originators as influencers by providing them with tailored marketing materials. Corie elucidates, “Empowering our Loan Originators with the necessary marketing materials not only supports their business growth but also extends our reach, ensuring a presence on more feeds and inboxes, in turn, maximizing our impact.” This strategic move ensures a broader reach and resonates effectively with the modern, discerning customer.

UMortgage’s rapid ascent in the mortgage industry can be attributed to its commitment to values, strategic initiatives and an innovative approach to influencer marketing. As Corie aptly puts it, “Our overarching objective is to deeply understand the needs of our audience and proactively address them.” UMortgage is a brand that listens, evolves and consistently delivers value to its diverse customer base.

Seamless Integration, Soaring Success

UMortgage is a Loan Originator (LO) platform, offering a hybrid solution that provides Loan Originators in the mortgage industry the ability to seamlessly integrate their businesses and grow. Since its inception, UMortgage has experienced remarkable year-over-year growth in LO headcount, witnessing their funding metrics skyrocket—a testament to the success that unfolds when marketing strategies align harmoniously with other pivotal aspects of the business.

UMortgage’s success story underscores the profound impact that arises from understanding the pain points of customers and crafting solutions that leave a lasting imprint. The secret to UMortgage Loan Originators’ success lies in the support they receive, allowing them to focus on what they do at their best. Corie emphasizes, “It’s all about having the support they need to step back from the nitty-gritty origination activities.”

At UMortgage, a vibrant community of experts is readily available to Loan Originators, providing answers to questions, sharing valuable insights and fostering collective growth. The active leadership team ensures that the feedback from these experts isn’t just heard but acted upon.

These elements collectively play a pivotal role in UMortgage’s overarching success. The dynamic marketing team takes pride in spotlighting these success stories, showcasing how UMortgage creates an environment where others can thrive.

Making a Mark

As a marketing enthusiast with an insatiable spirit, I thrive on the thrill of staying ahead of the curve,” declares Corie embodying the dynamic ethos of UMortgage. Actively engaged in the day-to-day, Corie keeps a finger on the pulse of emerging trends by immersing herself in firsthand experiences with the latest social media platform updates and tapping into the collective wisdom of fellow marketing experts. “Staying engaged is my secret sauce,” affirms Corie.

UMortgage’s fearless embrace of innovation sets it apart, as Corie emphasizes, “At UMortgage, we embrace innovation fearlessly, always ready to stand out from the crowd.” For Corie, every marketing endeavor is a chance for success or learning, forming the cornerstone of UMortgage’s dynamic, innovative and highly effective marketing strategies. “It’s not just about keeping upit’s about leading the way and making a mark that sets us apart,” shares Corie. UMortgage is pioneering the way forward in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing.

Evangelizing Trust

Building trust and credibility lies at the heart of effective marketing!” declares Corie, highlighting the fundamental importance of trust in any company’s marketing strategy. In an industry overwhelmed by a lack of trust and amidst a barrage of spam calls and phishing emails, establishing trust becomes paramount in the era of information overload.

To navigate this landscape, Corie emphasizes that savvy marketers employ strategies like testimonials, compelling storytelling and acknowledgment to resonate with their audience. “Given the prevalence of skepticism, it’s essential to recognize that the average user is more inclined to trust a recommendation from a friend or family member over a brand.”

The key, according to Corie, is not just being a brand advocate but cultivating customer evangelists. These satisfied customers become powerful ambassadors, creating a cycle of trust that transcends the noise, builds lasting connections and attracts more customers. In a world inundated with marketing messages, the art of creating trust essentially sets a company apart, fostering relationships that extend beyond transactions.

The Art of Alignment

Marketing campaigns thrive on insights drawn from data. By delving into the data and understanding the story it tells, one unlocks the power to infuse creativity into crafting a compelling campaign that seamlessly aligns with the data’s story.

Yet, the journey doesn’t end there. Data isn’t just a launchpad—it’s a compass for refining and optimizing marketing strategies. When a campaign hits the ground but appears off track from its projected performance, use the insights to get the campaign back on track.

Let the insights guide the specific areas where the campaign might be underperforming. Armed with this knowledge, one can adjust course, ensuring that the marketing strategy stays finely tuned and aligned with the goals. The continuous movements between data and creativity propels campaigns from mere initiatives to powerful, impactful narratives.

Leading with Confidence

As a woman leader in the mortgage industry, I am blessed for the incredible support and inclusivity I’ve experienced from leadership teams and individuals,” shares Corie, highlighting the importance of a supportive workplace. Her journey has been marked by a profound sense of understanding, where her opinions are not just welcomed but truly comprehended and her thought process as well as creativity are valued. Corie emphasizes the autonomy she’s been given to prove herself in her role.

Inspired by Anthony Casa, the President & CEO of UMortgage, who challenges leadership teams to ‘be the CEOs of your department,’ Corie has embraced authentic leadership. This advice, as Corie states, “resonated deeply with me, instilling the confidence to authentically lead my team, make impactful decisions and foster growth.”

Corie firmly believes in the power of creating opportunities through a strong work ethic, a mindset unafraid of failure and leading with a compassionate heart. For her, success is about contributing to the team’s success through dedication, resilience and a genuine commitment to the well-being of everyone involved. This exemplifies the positive impact of inclusive leadership and the power of fostering growth and success within a team.

Strength in Diversity

Diversity and inclusion hold immense significance for both me and UMortgage because we recognize that greatness knows no bounds,” affirms Corie, underlining the crucial role of diversity. UMortgage’s commitment goes beyond awareness—it’s about embedding diversity and inclusion into the core of its marketing initiatives. The dedication extends to fostering a culture that uplifts leaders from all walks of life, valuing their unique successes and expertise. The aim is clear—to build a truly inclusive organization that celebrates the strength found in the diversity of its members.

Small Gestures, Big Impact

In the ever-changing digital landscape, UMortgage has harnessed the power to truly connect with our customers,” notes Corie, emphasizing the brand’s adaptability in the dynamic digital realm. It’s not just about knowing customers—it’s about understanding their preferences, even down to their preferred method of communication. Corie invites readers to envision a personalized touch that resonates with customers, stating, “Imagine reaching out to them in a way that resonates most with themthat’s the personalized touch we’re talking about!”

But UMortgage goes beyond mere communication styles—it delves into customers’ hobbies and interests. Corie underscores the significance of these seemingly small gestures, noting, “Those seemingly small gestures add a personal touch to your approach, setting you apart and significantly boosting your chances of conversion.”

Excitingly, Corie anticipates the continuous advancements in AI technology. She expresses enthusiasm, saying, “And personally, I’m excited for the innovative ways AI will allow us to further enhance these personalized connections!” UMortgage remains at the forefront of utilizing technology to create meaningful, personalized connections that resonate with customers in the digital landscape.

Innovate or Stagnate

“I want to highlight the profound impact technological advancements, especially in the realm of AI, will have on marketing professionals in 2024 and beyond,” notes Corie, drawing attention to the transformative potential of AI. Despite apprehensions in the marketing field, Corie sees AI not as a threat but as a remarkable opportunity. She states, “In my perspective, AI is not a threat but a remarkable opportunity.” Instead of job replacement, Corie envisions AI as a tool to be embraced and seamlessly integrated into existing processes and strategies.

The goal is to amplify efficiency in accomplishing tasks, but more importantly, Corie sees AI as a chance to fortify relationships between marketers and their customers. This embrace of technology heralds a new era of connectivity and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing.

Experience, Growth and Relationships

Anthony Casa has been an exceptional mentor and role model throughout my career,” acknowledges Corie, reflecting on the transformative impact of his guidance. Starting as a Social Media Coordinator for AIME in 2019, Corie has rapidly ascended to the position of VP of Marketing under Anthony’s mentorship.

Central to Anthony’s teachings are principles deeply embedded in UMortgage’s core values. Corie highlights the ethos of ‘experience is everything,’ urging the team to go above and beyond for customers. She describes it as creating a ‘+1’ effect, aiming to exceed expectations and leave a lasting impression.

Anthony’s emphasis on ‘get better every day’ resonates with Corie as a philosophy of continuous learning, growth and improvement. She emphasizes that staying stagnant is the enemy of progress, with the ultimate goal being a constant evolution toward a better version of oneself.

Crucially, Anthony underscores ‘relationships not transactions.’ Corie elaborates on the importance of genuine connections, understanding individuals and their values while fostering relationships that endure. In an industry often fixated on transactions, this mindset sets UMortgage apart. Corie emphasizes, “It’s not just about getting the loan closedit’s about cultivating relationships of substance that endure over time, steering clear of short-term mentalities in a crowded marketplace.”

Corie shares by recognizing the instrumental role of Anthony’s mentorship, not only in shaping her career but in shaping her approach to success in an ever-evolving professional landscape. The lessons imparted by Anthony Casa reflect not only Corie’s journey but reverberate in the principles that drive UMortgage’s distinctive culture and success.

Curiosity, Confidence and Customers

Embrace curiosity, don’t shy away from asking questions or exploring new avenues,” advises Corie, advocating for authenticity. She encourages confidence in decision-making and emphasizes the crucial aspect of learning from those decisions. Corie underscores the paramount importance of engaging with customers, stating, “Building trust and transparency through feedback loops is key to crafting solutions that genuinely yield meaningful results.” Her advice is simple yet profound—be authentic, stay curious and prioritize customer engagement for meaningful and successful results.

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