What Is The Right Way To Do DIY Ice Water Facial For Skin Tightening?
RIGHT CONTAINER Take a wide-mouth bowl, which is convenient for you to dip your face. Now, fill the bowl with cubes and water.
ICE THERAPY As per cosmetic dermatologist Michele Green, the ice water facial can reduce inflammation, puffiness, and signs of ageing. Therefore, dip your face in ice water and enjoy the benefits.
WIPE OFF Once you dip your face in the ice water, keep doing it for 5 seconds each time. Continue the process for 5 to 7 minutes, and then gently pat your face dry with a soft towel.
FACE MASSAGEAfterwards, gently massage your face upward with a jade roller or your hands for better results. Remember, moderation is key with ice therapy to avoid skin irritation.