5 Coding Courses to Help Beginners Start Programming

1. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science (Harvard University)

It provides a solid foundation in computer science principles and practical programming skills, suitable for those with no prior experience.

2. Python for Everybody (University of Michigan)

This course teaches programming and software development using Python. It covers the basics of programming, data structures, and how to use Python to access web data and databases.

3. The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 (Rob Percival)

This course covers full-stack web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and databases. It's designed to take you from a beginner to a professional web developer.

4. Introduction to JavaScript (FreeCodeCamp)

This is a free, interactive course that teaches JavaScript, the programming language of the web. It includes tutorials and exercises that cover basic syntax, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming.

5. Learn to Code with Ruby (Codecademy)

This course introduces you to Ruby, a dynamic, open-source programming language. You'll learn the basics of programming, object-oriented concepts, and how to build interactive applications.