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Fiona Mahoney Recognized as One of the UK’s Leading Businesswomen

Fiona Mahoney, chief executive of Somerset-based charity Reminiscence Learning, has won the gold award in the Charity Champion sector at the Best Businesswomen Awards 2024. Organizers declared Fiona among the UK’s top businesswomen at a glittering gala dinner at the Hilton Syon Park Hotel in London.

The Best Businesswomen Awards centers its attention on talented women within the UK and, in 2019, marked 10 years of being in operation, having passed over 1,000 women through since inception back in 2015. Organizer Debbie Gilbert praises the rigorous process that has earned it its place, saying: ‘Achieving winner status is a tremendous endorsement and demonstration of exceptional entrepreneurial ability.”

I am totally speechless and stunned and just feel totally honored to have received such an honor completely out of the blue. I am incredibly proud of my Reminiscence Learning team, and I so accept this award on behalf of the whole charity.

Reminiscence Learning is a charity that won awards, which actually helps to improve the lives of people with dementia as well as careers. Some of the most popular projects include the Archie Project, where they perform intergenerational learning, and there are several others which are under awareness programs and community services that have drawn national attention.

Judges praised Ms Mahoney’s leadership, declaring that: “What she has achieved is incredible. The charity is a guiding light for those living with dementia and their careers. The Archie Project is so innovative, providing an effective means of educating children about dementia. This charity goes above and beyond, creating a widespread impact.”.

Grateful for the awards, Ms Mahoney said: “We are highly honored to be the recipients of priceless marketing know-how and also funds raised at the 2025 Best Businesswoman Awards. This recognition will hugely boost our efforts to raise the profile of Reminiscence Learning throughout the UK.”

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